Wednesday, October 30, 2013


What do you need to accomplish tomorrow?

Tomorrow I need to accomplish part of my project that were doing in class because I am running behind on what I need to do. I think that i'm satisfied with the topics that I have chosen but I need to research them more because I'm sure there are things that I am still unaware of.

What personal experiences have you had that help you understand this?

One of the topics that I have chosen relates to me and I think that while doing my project and answering questions it will be a big help. One of the topics I chose were divorce, mainly because I can relate and it would be easy for me to do the questions especially because my parents have been through it and my answers will be passionate and come from something that I have witnessed.

When did you realize that you could use other resources to help solve your information need? When did you realize that you needed other resources?

I realized that I could use other sources when my teacher showed me a website that had many different topics with information about all of them. I knew that I could use outside information and I knew that I could use my knowledge on how to research the topic but there are specific websites that help you with all the topics that you want. I realized that I needed other sources when trying to answering a question and realizing that I could answer it myself or that the information I needed wasn't on the website I was on.

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