Friday, November 1, 2013

The last time I was given a research paper..

     The last time I was given a research paper was my junior year of English. In class we read "The Great Gatsby" and learned about the American dream and what the main American dream is for people. My English teacher told us to print out information from real sources on the internet that had the topic of American dream and we also had to pick a topic that went on during the 1920's. I chose women's rights and how people think that men are always the dominant ones.
    While writing the research paper we had to include information from the story that related to our topic. Writing this paper made me very interested in women's rights but I was more interested in the book "The Great Gatsby" itself because it presented great ideas and had a wonderful story line. My English teacher taught us the whole entire process of a research paper and gave us examples that college students wrote to really help us understand a research paper more and get to the college level. I thought that this was very helpful because I got to read several research papers that helped me write my paper.
   I didn't find writing the research paper fun at all because a lot had to be put into it and we used several sources to help us complete it and I found that boring. The only thing that I found fun was the information I was learning about and the research that I found while on the computer looking for an article. My English teacher put us in groups according to the topic that we chose for our research paper and that helped us out a lot. We were able to hear about others articles and how they felt about the topic. If we had any questions we could of asked our peers and they helped us or if we needed someone to peer edit our beginning copies for our research papers our group members were there for us.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds interesting but I wanted to hear more Nikki. You didn't really complete the blog post. It sort of stops abruptly. What else happened with the assignment?
