Tuesday, November 5, 2013

College Major

   My dream from when I was in the 8th grade was working has a homicide detective. I couldn't really pinpoint why I wanted to do this but I knew that it interested me and I wanted to make a career out of it. My dream didn't change until I got to my junior year of high school and realized that I have no idea what i'm talking about. I wasn't good at science, I've never been around a dead body and the last thing that I wanted to do was become a cop. I then felt lost because all of my friends knew what they wanted to do or at least knew what they were interested in and I still had no idea. I then started to look into different things that co-inside with majoring in criminal justice....
    I then started buckling down and researching schools that fit me and fit what I want to do. I came across Oneonta in upstate New York and I fell in love with it and it also has a criminal justice major. I looked more into the school and I visited it and that's where my heart is set on going. The criminal justice program has nothing to do with forensics and that made me even more sure of my choice in going to Oneonta. At this college they focus more on the physiological aspect of criminal justice like figuring out why the killer did what he/she did, laws, and all of the things that go with criminal justice minus the science part. I hope that when I leave college I have a job in this field because it interests me and I wont be dealing with the same cases everyday and I'll be able to work with interesting people (even though it might be scary).

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful that you are so sure of what you want to study and where you want to go to college. I too think that criminal justice is a fascinating field.
