Monday, November 18, 2013

What confuses me about school? 11/18/13

A lot of things confuse and leave me thinking hours upon hours mainly because I don't think there is an actual answer to my thoughts. One thing that really confuses me is to why we don't learn about life in school. Teachers teach us the things that we need to know to pass classes and to succeed in college. They help us search for colleges, pinpoint what were good at and teach us things that help us become a better writer or better in math. With the new Common Core coming out and all the parents getting mad over it, I'm starting to agree with them. I don't agree with the common core for the sake of me not liking school work, I don't agree with it because it puts more stress on the student.
    I'm really confused as to why we aren't taught how to pay bills, how to handle a relationship, how to do things that are also used everyday in life besides math and English. I personally think that this is vital for a student because I know people that ask questions like "how do I pay for this" "how can I start my own credit card" etc....These things are important in life and I think that we should be able to ask questions like these to our teachers or have a class that actually prepares us for the real world.
    I decided to write about this because I always have so many questions about life and the things that I need to know for the outside world, like when getting a job or paying for things. School gets us ready for college and jobs but doesn't necessarily prepare us for all important factors in life.

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