Wednesday, December 18, 2013

My questions about gay rights will fulfill my assignment and my research because I asked multiple questions.I think that at least some of my questions will be answered and if i get answers that will spark more question. I believe that they can be answered and even if its not a question i asked myself, it will help my assignment.

Monday, December 16, 2013

exit pass 12/16

My questions can be answered my investigation. I think my doing research and getting information from sources, especially primary, i'll be able to find out a lot of information and my questions will be answered. Even if the questions that i thought of specifically aren't answered, I think that reading other things with spark other questions and go deeper into my topic.

Monday, December 9, 2013

exit pass 12/9/13

Why am I doing this research?

I am doing this research to learn about something more in depth. I learned how to use different websites and find different sources of information. I think that doing this research about my own topic and also being able to do more topics is helpful for college and going into the world knowing so much about different things.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

exit pass 11/27/13

I know enough about my topic and the idea of my topic to ask more questions about it. I want to ask people how they feel about it, and I also came across a new topic within gay rights that i'm interested in. I think i can learn more about that and once I understand it more I could ask good questions more to the primary source or to people that have been around transgenders/gays.

Monday, November 25, 2013

exit ticket 11/25/13

What background information will help you get an overview of my topic?

Background information that will help me understand my topic more could be primary sources. I could get peoples feelings towards things like not being able to marry or not be able to adopt. I think that getting gays opinions will help me and i could get a feel to what gays feel like when they are outcasted.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Blog 11/4/13

I would consider myself an interpersonal and intrapersonal learner. I enjoy working with other people and hearing what they learned and what they have to say but I also like using my own brain and doing the work by myself. I think that it depends on what kind of work were doing and if I think it requires others helps and opinions or if it just requires my knowledge. I feel that certain things I cant do and I have trouble doing and I know where I'm weak and i'm strong in, so I can figure out if I want to work with others or by myself knowing what the topic at hand is.
   I find it very difficult working in groups for projects or classwork because most people go off topic. There are groups that don't know each other and wind up working seperaetly, groups that are good friends and don't stop talking or groups that actually do the work. I think that people are more than capable, especially seventeen year olds, to pick out their group of people that they know they will work good with. Some of the time the teachers pick the groups and its hard for the students that want to get the work done or the students that usually do all the work themselves. I believe that times like these I would be a intrapersonal learner.
    I find the trouble with being an intrapersonal learner is that you'll take longer to complete the classwork or project and you won't have the different thoughts of your classmates. Being an intrapersonal worker and being able to work by yourself can come in handy for college.

Monday, November 18, 2013

What confuses me about school? 11/18/13

A lot of things confuse and leave me thinking hours upon hours mainly because I don't think there is an actual answer to my thoughts. One thing that really confuses me is to why we don't learn about life in school. Teachers teach us the things that we need to know to pass classes and to succeed in college. They help us search for colleges, pinpoint what were good at and teach us things that help us become a better writer or better in math. With the new Common Core coming out and all the parents getting mad over it, I'm starting to agree with them. I don't agree with the common core for the sake of me not liking school work, I don't agree with it because it puts more stress on the student.
    I'm really confused as to why we aren't taught how to pay bills, how to handle a relationship, how to do things that are also used everyday in life besides math and English. I personally think that this is vital for a student because I know people that ask questions like "how do I pay for this" "how can I start my own credit card" etc....These things are important in life and I think that we should be able to ask questions like these to our teachers or have a class that actually prepares us for the real world.
    I decided to write about this because I always have so many questions about life and the things that I need to know for the outside world, like when getting a job or paying for things. School gets us ready for college and jobs but doesn't necessarily prepare us for all important factors in life.

exit ticket 11/18/13

What interests me about this idea and topic?

My topic, gay rights, is interesting because there are different branches and I get to read about other peoples opinions. I also get to understand other peoples feelings about this topic and the things that have to deal with day by day because some people don't understand gays and don't agree with the way they live their life. I find it interesting that gays have trouble with adopting and also enlisting in the military. I don't understand why this is a problem and I'm excited to read articles about it.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

College Major

   My dream from when I was in the 8th grade was working has a homicide detective. I couldn't really pinpoint why I wanted to do this but I knew that it interested me and I wanted to make a career out of it. My dream didn't change until I got to my junior year of high school and realized that I have no idea what i'm talking about. I wasn't good at science, I've never been around a dead body and the last thing that I wanted to do was become a cop. I then felt lost because all of my friends knew what they wanted to do or at least knew what they were interested in and I still had no idea. I then started to look into different things that co-inside with majoring in criminal justice....
    I then started buckling down and researching schools that fit me and fit what I want to do. I came across Oneonta in upstate New York and I fell in love with it and it also has a criminal justice major. I looked more into the school and I visited it and that's where my heart is set on going. The criminal justice program has nothing to do with forensics and that made me even more sure of my choice in going to Oneonta. At this college they focus more on the physiological aspect of criminal justice like figuring out why the killer did what he/she did, laws, and all of the things that go with criminal justice minus the science part. I hope that when I leave college I have a job in this field because it interests me and I wont be dealing with the same cases everyday and I'll be able to work with interesting people (even though it might be scary).

Friday, November 1, 2013

The last time I was given a research paper..

     The last time I was given a research paper was my junior year of English. In class we read "The Great Gatsby" and learned about the American dream and what the main American dream is for people. My English teacher told us to print out information from real sources on the internet that had the topic of American dream and we also had to pick a topic that went on during the 1920's. I chose women's rights and how people think that men are always the dominant ones.
    While writing the research paper we had to include information from the story that related to our topic. Writing this paper made me very interested in women's rights but I was more interested in the book "The Great Gatsby" itself because it presented great ideas and had a wonderful story line. My English teacher taught us the whole entire process of a research paper and gave us examples that college students wrote to really help us understand a research paper more and get to the college level. I thought that this was very helpful because I got to read several research papers that helped me write my paper.
   I didn't find writing the research paper fun at all because a lot had to be put into it and we used several sources to help us complete it and I found that boring. The only thing that I found fun was the information I was learning about and the research that I found while on the computer looking for an article. My English teacher put us in groups according to the topic that we chose for our research paper and that helped us out a lot. We were able to hear about others articles and how they felt about the topic. If we had any questions we could of asked our peers and they helped us or if we needed someone to peer edit our beginning copies for our research papers our group members were there for us.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


What do you need to accomplish tomorrow?

Tomorrow I need to accomplish part of my project that were doing in class because I am running behind on what I need to do. I think that i'm satisfied with the topics that I have chosen but I need to research them more because I'm sure there are things that I am still unaware of.

What personal experiences have you had that help you understand this?

One of the topics that I have chosen relates to me and I think that while doing my project and answering questions it will be a big help. One of the topics I chose were divorce, mainly because I can relate and it would be easy for me to do the questions especially because my parents have been through it and my answers will be passionate and come from something that I have witnessed.

When did you realize that you could use other resources to help solve your information need? When did you realize that you needed other resources?

I realized that I could use other sources when my teacher showed me a website that had many different topics with information about all of them. I knew that I could use outside information and I knew that I could use my knowledge on how to research the topic but there are specific websites that help you with all the topics that you want. I realized that I needed other sources when trying to answering a question and realizing that I could answer it myself or that the information I needed wasn't on the website I was on.

Monday, September 23, 2013

College Research Skills

• What did you already know of the material presented in the lesson?
• What did you learn? What material was new to you? What were the three most important things you learned in today’s lesson/independent practice?
• What did you understand most/least about today’s lesson and independent practice?
• What would you like to know more about the material?
• What questions do you still have?
• How is the information you learned applicable to your other class assignments? How is this class helping you with research in your other classes?
• How is this class different from any others you've taken in high school?
• How is this class the same as any others you've taken in high school?
• What did you learn from reading someone else’s blog? Did it help you write your own blog entry?
• If there was a reading assignment, what did you learn from the reading assignment? What did you not understand? What prior knowledge did you bring to the reading material?
• Did you have a need for information today? If so, how did you go about finding it?